Sunday, February 6, 2011


One lousy little pound.  But still heading in the right direction.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


OK 3 lbs more.  Better, drank a lot more water this past week and worked out 15 minutes longer per session.  Getting easier to keep a faster pace on the elliptical. Also shoveled a little snow today.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Hoped it would be more.  No excuse. Will lose at least 3 pounds this week.  Changed workout slightly to include more lower back and stomach/ab emphasis. Will drink more water also.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Slow start, but on average I guess.  Will attempt to up morning visits to gym to at least 4 times per week.  Lots of veggies (celery, carrots, tomatoes, romaine lettuce, broccoli) this week.  Some fruit: apple, bananas, blueberries, prunes, raisins.

When I go to gym, I do between 30 and 45 minutes on elliptical "total body" machine (arms + legs), then I do some Universal machine "circuit" training, for back, abdomen, biceps, triceps, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and chest.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


The rules: every Sunday I will weigh-in, and recalculate BMI. The post title will be my current weight/BMI. I will talk about any special changes I've made to my diet, work-out schedule, or sleep routine.  It will be some of the most scintillating blog-posting and no-holds barred honest, teary-eyed self-immolation ever recorded on the web. NOT!

This is primarily a hard enforcement tool to shape my behavior.  So basically, I'm a very large rat in a maze of my own creation, seeking to improve my lot, under the scrutiny of anyone who's interested.